Holland W: _MG_0642
sergio pagano m: 8252 copy
Renato Rocha Miranda: PORTRAITS / RETRATOS
luizsalgueiro: DANI SACHETTI
A.G. Photographe: French fan
Walter Rozindo Jr.: Luz - Light
MArchante: Rapunzel ibérica/ Iberian Rapunzel
R. Mathias: Santuario do Caraça
v.ince: Controvento
Philipp Klinger Photography: walking on the edge
Lucas Rodrigues: Proud because you're here
henriquecesar: Guilherme e Larissa - Externas
Eric Lafforgue: Teff used to make injera, Ethiopia
Big L1974: Vicoli di Liguria
Eric Lafforgue: Ethiopian boy's look, Ethiopia
Mikel Alba: ¿Tú qué miras?
Shudipto: Photographer's wedding
f. a. (fernandoJazevedo): Praia de Calhetas - PE
kerivoa: Audierne
Luis Bermejo Espin: Sadhu hindú - Nepal