andreas lem: Thunderstorm on Tuesday
andreas lem: I See You ...
andreas lem: Sun and Mercury
andreas lem: Young Snow Leopard
andreas lem: Young white-handed gibbon
andreas lem: Dragan and Alisha
andreas lem: Another one
andreas lem: Some Lightnings Tonight
andreas lem: Sitting on the Window Seat
andreas lem: Solar Eclipse
andreas lem: Snowflake
andreas lem: mirror, camera, me ...
andreas lem: looked out the window and saw an yellow angel ...
andreas lem: Moon (April 2012)
andreas lem: The Sun (12. Aug. 2012)
andreas lem: Lightning
andreas lem: Red-bellied Piranha
andreas lem: Friendly Manatee
andreas lem: Tapir with young one
andreas lem: Green Iguana
andreas lem: Cool Water
andreas lem: Good bye, Dude ...
andreas lem: Little Hippopotamus
andreas lem: Who is it!?
andreas lem: Autumnal Leaves
andreas lem: Danish Beech
andreas lem: pinhole picture with Lions ...
andreas lem: Altai II