Flickr: Weekly Flickr - John Wilhelm
ToniGutierrez: Obras de arte urbano.....
lomokev: Brighton Pier at dusk
Egret Grass: Cánh gà chiên nước mắm - Vietnam Food Stylist
phil.benusa: Cooking School
Anto_DiBella: Rotondità
ToniGutierrez: Fachadas Navideñas......
Manuel ROMARIS: Old Church in Vidimyri
Mattia Bonavida: Behind the mask.
Madhusudanan Parthasarathy: Seeking Salvation
Mattia Bonavida: She's coming for you..
Photos-Change-The-World: Get Me to the Tower on Time (Tour Eiffel)
Photos-Change-The-World: The skirt (Trocadero)
ToniGutierrez: paseo....
Photos-Change-The-World: Cyclist (Tour Eiffel)
愛貓成癡的老實人: 溫德德式烘焙餐館
Photos-Change-The-World: Even Spirit of Ecstasy wants to see it ! Paris 2014
Photos-Change-The-World: Après le Deluge (Tour Eiffel)
Giannis Pit: #Blue
lomokev: Stormy Seas and Starling Murmuration
愛貓成癡的老實人: 晚餐的高度