andreaferreira: 2 Bottle tree sunset
andreaferreira: 3 sunset
andreaferreira: 4 Bottle tree flower in Defensores
andreaferreira: 5 Bottle tree flower
andreaferreira: 6 Narrow billed woodcreeper
andreaferreira: 8 Bottle trees at sunrise
andreaferreira: 21 Chaco-Chiquitania transitional forest
andreaferreira: 20 cattle close to forest reserve representing a perfect area for conflict with jaguar to occur
andreaferreira: 14 Puma and jaguar footprint
andreaferreira: 15 jaguar footprint
andreaferreira: 12 Forest reserve at Estancia
andreaferreira: 11 Chaco forest
andreaferreira: 10 Bottle trees at sunrise
andreaferreira: 24_ Chaco-Chiquitania transitional forest
andreaferreira: 27 Dry chaco forest
andreaferreira: 26 Dry chaco forest
andreaferreira: 30 Southern crested caracara
andreaferreira: 29 sixbanded armadilo
andreaferreira: 48 Dry chaco forest in autumn after rain
andreaferreira: 50 Chacoan titi monkey
andreaferreira: 31 Puffbird