SteveL UK: M81/M82, the 190 MakNewt finally gets some sky time!
Martin_Heigan: The Fornax Galaxy Cluster
Martin_Heigan: The Blue Horsehead Nebula
Martin_Heigan: Interstellar dust of the Tarantula Nebula
Christina Irakleous: The Fish head Nebula
Christina Irakleous: Iris Nebula
@LopesCosmos: The Horsehead Nebula and the Flame Nebula / Nebulosa da Cabeça de Cavalo (Barnard 33) e Nebulosa da Chama (NGC 2024)
@LopesCosmos: Lagoon Nebula (M8) / Nebulosa da Lagoa
@LopesCosmos: Eta Carinae Nebula / Nebulosa Eta Carinae (NGC 3372)
@LopesCosmos: Saturno / Saturn
Zeta_Ori: "Mare Frigoris and the Northwestern Lunar Limb"
Zeta_Ori: Clavius and its Companion Craters
Ariel Cappelletti: IC 2944 - The Bok Globules in Running Chicken Nebula (Bicolor)
Zeta_Ori: "Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Mare Cognitum, Mare Nubium, and Bullialdus"
hirocun: C/2019 Y4 ATLAS after Fragmentation April 11, 2020
Martin_Heigan: The Carina Nebula (starless version)
ToxicTraveller: Double Cluster (NGC 884 & NGC 869)
N.J.W Images: Skagsandenaurora-9003a
Phil Ostroff: M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules 20200414
Martin_Heigan: The Carina Nebula (NGC 3372)
Rémi FERRIERI: Confined Rosette
Remidone: IC 2944 - IC2948 (Running Chicken Nebula)
Phil Ostroff: M101 Pinwheel Galaxy
Ariel Cappelletti: IC2944 - Bok Globules in Running Chicken Nebula (SHO)
Roger Hutchinson: 20200414 M3 LRGB
AstroSocSA: The Carina Nebula (NGC 3372)
TierraCosmos: Moon and Planet Alignment
grahamxx: Startrails 15th April 2020
Phil Ostroff: M63 Sunflower Galaxy