Andi Manzano: Cheat day. #caliburger #centurycitymall
Andi Manzano: It's been snowing the whole day ❄️❤️ so magical!
Andi Manzano: Beautiful. Reminds me of Serendipity :)
Andi Manzano: What an experience ❄️
Andi Manzano: Today at Pilates
Andi Manzano: Kish me
Andi Manzano: 2009. Mtv days :) #fbf
Andi Manzano: I miss this little guy. This picture was taken by my mom after his siesta under the sun :)
Andi Manzano: Just another day in the office with my favorite minions.
Andi Manzano: I was going through my pictures on my phone.. Then I saw this hi @angelmanzano #selfie
Andi Manzano: A day doesn't go by that I don't talk to her or see her. I miss you mom don't get mad at me for posting this photo! You are beautiful @rosemanzano ❤️
Andi Manzano: I miss planning, I miss the stress... if only I could repeat magical day ❤️ thank you @holamagph for featuring my wedding. #gpandi
Andi Manzano: Happy to be part of the #THEPHILIPPINESYEARBOOK2014 :) thank you @xanderangeles ☺️ #iheartph
Andi Manzano: Omg burger.
Andi Manzano: Polo Sunday.
Andi Manzano: The TREE and me.
Andi Manzano: Celebrating at the 71st floor :)
Andi Manzano: Happy birthday @officialtimyap ☺️
Andi Manzano: Grocery shopping
Andi Manzano: #Throwback to 2007. Proud to be a candy girl ❤️☺️
Andi Manzano: City lights. #71gramercy
Andi Manzano: Missing my girls already
Andi Manzano: Center.
Andi Manzano: Stanley bay.
Andi Manzano: Documenting everything for my blog.... Soon
Andi Manzano: Through her eyes
Andi Manzano: Cable car family photo ❤️ mom taking the photo!
Andi Manzano: Cable car kinda Sunday.
Andi Manzano: HK sunset.
Andi Manzano: My new ride