anatsuno: Cheval de Troie devant l'opera de Strasbourg, 3/4
anatsuno: Cheval de Troie devant l'opera de Strasbourg, profil
anatsuno: posh street
anatsuno: posh street larger
anatsuno: sunburnt flowers
anatsuno: inconspicuous
anatsuno: hiding
anatsuno: young 'uns
anatsuno: FOLDS!
anatsuno: Roses
anatsuno: Near the library
anatsuno: another posh street
anatsuno: posh street corner
anatsuno: horse chestnut tree in bloom
anatsuno: The Library (BNU) & a palm tree
anatsuno: close up of the side of the library
anatsuno: back of the post office
anatsuno: so many roses!
anatsuno: pink rose
anatsuno: sunburnt flowers
anatsuno: back of the post office
anatsuno: balcony plants in the fall
anatsuno: rouge2
anatsuno: misere
anatsuno: fallen
anatsuno: Autumn
anatsuno: art-nouveau-building
anatsuno: building-top-detail