.craig: Warsaw central
.craig: Tree in the gobi desert. #gobi #gobidesert #tree #mongolia #clouds #sunbeams #blackandwhite #goexplore #seethewolrd #nomand #wanderlust #lifeexperiment
.craig: Old shed and a rally car. #sweden #stockholm #travel #traveling #fineart #rally #rallycar #seetheworld #explore #goexplore #lifeexperiment #blackandwhite #building #nomad #wanderlust
.craig: Tsataan kids riding reindeer across the 2700m altitude high plains of Northern Mongolia on the Russian border. We were out riding horses with the Tsataan and going to heard reindeer on horseback. We came across this group of kids riding the reindeer. The
.craig: Summer is winding up and time to think about waxing your skis for the winter season... #landscape #straw #bales #harvest #summer #sweden #forest #rally #autumn #seetheworld #goexplore #lifeexperiment #wanderlust #nomand #travel
.craig: Went to a rally for the first time ever and saw them racing around on a gravel track. This shot was taken at one 8000th of a second and it stops motion like time has stopped. We stood about a 1m metre away from cars passing by at speed and thought I'd t
.craig: Stockholm metro art. #stockholm #metro #subway #art #globe #squareglobe #train #people #commute #seetheworld #goexplore #travel #travelling #nomad #wanderlust #blue #rock #cave #lifeexperiment #walking #underground #cavern #platform #arrows
.craig: The giant Buddha in Thimphu Bhutan. I want to do a little plug for http://www.masicorp.org who do great work in South Africa. My friend @loula___ is involved. It took a couple of shots to get the sun to look like a halo :) #statue #bhutan #thimphu #silh
.craig: Mongolian steppe with a truck driving through the middle of it. I can't tell you how out of place this lorry was. We were maybe 40km from a main road and driving on dirt tracks. We stopped the van for a few minutes to take a break and low and behold a lo
.craig: Preikestolen 30 minutes earlier... What a difference 30 minutes makes? Same place as the last photo. Which one do you prefer? This one or the other one? I can't make my mind up. #norway #preikestolen #pulpitrock #fjord #fjords #sunrise #sun #morning #daw
.craig: Sunset on the Lofoton Islands, Norway #norway #lofoton #beach #sunset #midnightsun #waves #rocks #seascape #clouds #cloudporn #sky #travel #nomad #gonomad #goexplore #seetheworld #wanderlust #sea #lifeexperiment #night #dusk #redsky #reflection #rockpool
.craig: Flower on the fjord in Norway. The same place I had moose soup, just outside the front door. #norway #fjord #fjords #travel #travelling #goexplore #seetheworld #explore #adventure #wanderlust #nomad #lifeexperiment #flowers #clouds #landscape #nature #w
.craig: The organic fruit and veg seller in Kathmandu... Does your local supermarket sell organic as well? Kathmandu is a crazy place, there's no other way to put it, noisy, polluted and relentlessly in your face. There is a unwritten schedule of what you'll se
.craig: Village in the trees on the hillside in the Nepal Annapurna area shrouded in smoke from wood fires and a woman walking through the smoke... Renting an old Royal Enfield and travelling around Nepal to see some of the earthquake hit areas and doing some pho
.craig: Old shot from New York, was flicking through photos and came across it and forgot I'd taken it. I think from 2007. The decision to completely change my life came about over time, but for me, that change was to go see the world for a while and refocus my
.craig: Drive your Russian van across Mongolia
.craig: Monk in shadow
.craig: Girl with the tattoo
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series
.craig: Stockholm Metro Series