LaTur: Quo Vadis?
Federica Erra: L'interieur
Charles Machado: t h o u g h t s a b o u t f a m i l y
António Bandeira: One for Me... One for my Baby (and one more for the road)
RA Photography / Deadworld: I was not lying! I was writing fiction with my mouth. {Explored}
lia costa carvalho: [in the darkness]
Hel Des: It's not what you said....
R e d o x: Reluque animale
Ingiro: Baby
aumbody images: Terms of service
ArTeTeTrA: Sinuously
Christine Lebrasseur: Camera Obscura
TXAlleKat: 2011=365-27 red e
K@spa: Sails Down, Wings Up !!!
David_Fonseca: Kids, Leiria, 1993.
Felix Lupa: *****
Tom Szustek: Kids playing soccer, Sarajevo, BiH