Sergio Bitran M: Buffy Helmetcrest. Chivito del Nevado del Ruiz. Barbudito canelo. Oxypogon stuebelii.
Sergio Bitran M: Christmas Shearwater. Fardela de Pascua Puffinus nativitatis.
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: (Eurasian) Wigeon. Anas penelope.
Greatoutdoorman: Original Punk Rocker
Greatoutdoorman: Eye to eye
rnoepuga: Colibrí Corona Violeta.
aigledayres: Loriot d'Europe Oriolus oriolus Golden Oriole
Sergio Bitran M: COMMON TERN. Gaviotín boreal. Charran común. Sterna hirundo.
Kevin B Agar: Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: A Swan drifting by. Dawn on Gunwale Lake.
mggbgg2013: Oyster catcher
aigledayres: Fauvette des jardins Sylvia borin Garden Warbler
aigledayres: Pic épeiche Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker
mggbgg2013: Sanderling about to go !
Greatoutdoorman: Grey seal pup in todays snow storm
mggbgg2013: Male Teal
aigledayres: Sterne pierregarin Sterna hirundo Common Tern
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: (Eurasian) Teal. Anus creeca
mggbgg2013: Winter colours , Straight mile, Ampfield
Greatoutdoorman: Must have been named after the female
Sergio Bitran M: Indigo-capped Hummingbird. Diamante de frente azul, Amazilia frentiazul, Amazilia capiazul​. Colibrí Gorriazul, Saucerottia cyanifrons.
mggbgg2013: Colourful Lapwing
mggbgg2013: Shoveler
aigledayres: Oie à tête barrée Anser indicus Bar-headed Goose
Alan Gutsell: Yellow-billed Stork
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: Blackbird (m) feeding on Rowan Tree berries
Odagallart: Hotel Arenal Observatory Lodge - White Hawk Villa Pericles fotografiando el volcán
jjarango: Habia cristata - Crested Ant-Tanager - Habia Copetona 17
Sergio Bitran M: WEDGE-TAILED SHEARWATER. Fardela del Pacífico. Ardenna pacifica.