amy.z: painting on fabric
amy.z: cats!
amy.z: "I was here" notes
amy.z: a place to leave your "I was here note"
amy.z: Paulo has sparkly eyes
amy.z: nice etching
amy.z: Amy, Josh, Sofia, and Paulo
amy.z: nice light fixture
amy.z: Paulo and Josh
amy.z: Paulo and Josh
amy.z: a place to type an "I was here" note
amy.z: Notre Dame Cathedral
amy.z: Notre Dame Cathedral
amy.z: fingers and cameras
amy.z: Josh and Paulo
amy.z: Josh, Paulo and Sofia
amy.z: Sofia, Paulo and Josh
amy.z: Notre Dame Cathedral
amy.z: virtual ping-pong @ FNAC store
amy.z: virtual ping-pong @ FNAC store