amy.z: This body of work is taking shape and it’s taking me with it.
amy.z: fatness series #5 2020
amy.z: fatness series #4 2020
amy.z: fatness series #3 2020
amy.z: fatness series #2 2020
amy.z: fatness series #1 2020
amy.z: GUYS!!! Look at this luscious shininess! Ugh, so thrilled to start firing this bad boy.
amy.z: Got lost in this #barbarabullock piece called The Whirling Dance, 1985. At the Constructing Identity exhibit @portlandartmuseum
amy.z: Together going we are where.
amy.z: Lighting.
amy.z: Thanks everyone who came out to #ceramicshowcase this year, it was an interesting, intense, wild and really fun event.
amy.z: Making faces
amy.z: Nap time.
amy.z: Studio still life #glazingday
amy.z: Sprung.
amy.z: I saw so many amazing things during #nceca2017 but barely thought to capture any of it by photo, luckily I managed to take this photo of one of my favorite pieces, this by Christina Erives "lo que mi familia me dió". This photo doesn't really do it justic
amy.z: A Smirk wall hanging 2017
amy.z: Emergence bust 2016
amy.z: Bust with hand 2017
amy.z: A couple of small figures
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amy.z: A piece in progress.
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amy.z: Beginnings
amy.z: In this case, you CAN pick your friend's nose.
amy.z: You can see this piece, Anima, as part of #keepportlandwared exhibit during #nceca2017 March 24th, 5-7pm @skutt 6641 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, 97206
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amy.z: Gorgeous Turkish coffee and Turkish delight.
amy.z: Kid in a candy store.
amy.z: upload