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{ Amy }
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{ Amy }
305/365: Give me a moment to catch my breath...
{ Amy }
304/365: And I can hear you dreaming...
{ Amy }
{ Amy }
302/365: Love me to life...
{ Amy }
301/365: I just want to feel today,
{ Amy }
300/365: Into the wonderfully intriguing and enchanting everyday world.
{ Amy }
299/365: A song for your heart,
{ Amy }
298/365: ..throw your soul through every open door...
{ Amy }
297/365: hit me right through the heart...
{ Amy }
296/365: Splash down in the silver screen, into a deep dramatic scene....
{ Amy }
295/365: At the centre of the universe...
{ Amy }
294/365: and there´s gold, falling from the ceiling of this world...
{ Amy }
293/365: Only a world...
{ Amy }
292/365: There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits.
{ Amy }
291/365: Let felicity fly...
{ Amy }
290/365: Woulda been gone like a wayward wind...
{ Amy }
289/365: next time I'll be braver...
{ Amy }
288/365: Reaching a fever pitch...
{ Amy }
287/365: And there's more to this brave adventure than you'd ever believe...
{ Amy }
286/365: Wonder stole my breath away...
{ Amy }
285/365: On the way to your soul...
{ Amy }
284/365: Take a breath of mist and mystery...
{ Amy }
283/365: We’re all dream as on our way...
{ Amy }
282/365: Hail the snail!
{ Amy }
281/365: I got all my wrongs imperfectly right.
{ Amy }
280/365: Wide eyes will always brighten the blue...
{ Amy }
279/365: Fall into a dream...
{ Amy }
278/365: ..these sweet humbling heights...
{ Amy }
277/365: Mellow as the month of May...
{ Amy }
276/365: Wonderland aint built in a night.
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