2007Oct16: Christmas 前夕大遊營
stevetoronto: IMG_0964
dj.catfur: R0014616
dj.catfur: 小小花麥當當
stevetoronto: IMG_0605
dj.catfur: F1000029
nick_andika: living life in the fast lane
stevetoronto: IMG_0020.jpg
dj.catfur: 基隆圓環
Conrad Castelo: Surfing the internet
J.R-: castle
J.R-: flowers
- ♥ Cherie ♥ -: [La fleur] 05
dj.catfur: 基隆車站圓環
Twiggy Tu: drift into a dream !!
Twiggy Tu: wish I can always :D
*Yueh-Hua 2023: S-bend, Jioufen
油姬: Big heart jumping !
tykeml: Taipei 101
poppy smiles: lomo - AHAHAH!!