Evo @Realitycraft: One of the many reasons I married @toyshoppe. His latest art robot premieres in NYC on Thursday. Here's a private collection piece in Beverly Hills #nofilter - ask him to post pics of his sexy bot here
Evo @Realitycraft: This dark blue bird has a low, squawking screech of a call to its friends. What is it? #namethatbird
Evo @Realitycraft: Impressionist @anoukwipprecht
Evo @Realitycraft: City view
Evo @Realitycraft: Climbing tree overlooking the city
Evo @Realitycraft: Tom from @gogocoin after a long day at LAUNCH - sharing his startup on the floor
Evo @Realitycraft: This is one of the coolest musical drone zone machines I have ever seen. From India.
Evo @Realitycraft: Mister Sage - what puff! #dogediet
Evo @Realitycraft: No filter - love the iconography on this monolith - Benedict Canyon, private residence in LA - engineering by Brent @toyshoppe
Evo @Realitycraft: High magic roses and a natural lens flare - morning meditation reflections
Evo @Realitycraft: Nick Heyming @inspeyere tells me this is mimosa! It popped today! #seedsthegame
Evo @Realitycraft: Reflecting #bubble
Evo @Realitycraft: Home temple altar at sunset. Housemate brought in Beauty and cards - mine says to avoid eating anything today that creates conflict.
Evo @Realitycraft: Man, woman, machine @toyshoppe
Evo @Realitycraft: Love watching @toyshoppe show off his machine shop to @leev
Evo @Realitycraft: If you're not going to finish that....
Evo @Realitycraft: Funny how my old pieces from various journeys layer on each other. Wood piece from 8 years ago, canvas from 10.
Evo @Realitycraft: Throwback Thursday, 1982. I'm the little girl about to turn 7. My sister and I look to be from different races after I spent the summer in Florida.
Evo @Realitycraft: The pastel canvas I found wrapped up in one of the moving boxes. Likely 8-10 years old and the pastels still smudge.
Evo @Realitycraft: Setting up operations for @eddefypath
Evo @Realitycraft: Great conversations on learning and meaning in work, integrating life and bringing your best in daily life @wisdom2conf #wisdomweek
Evo @Realitycraft: Talking learning tech vision and @eddefypath at hosted conversations @wisdom2conf #wisdomweek
Evo @Realitycraft: Talking about signals from our bodies, mindful work practices, holacracy and #wisdom2 #wisdomweek
Evo @Realitycraft: Holocracy conversation is popular every year - especially after @tonyhsieh yesterday. #wisdomweek #wisdom2
Evo @Realitycraft: Hosted conversations beginning @wisdom2conf #wisdomweek
Evo @Realitycraft: Friday's hosted conversations for @wisdom2conf #wisdomweek - sharing insightful ideas
Evo @Realitycraft: Sweet birds outside the window of my new office - gratitude to @toyshoppe for desk screws! Excited to work here.
Evo @Realitycraft: Dramatic curation of social media with @keycodemedia - just spoke on Engagement and asking questions of your audience
Evo @Realitycraft: When you go into the fire of your heart you burn with the bonds that ignite you.
Evo @Realitycraft: Giant roots!