even brighter than the moon!: I'm beautiful in my way.
even brighter than the moon!: 'causebabyYOUaremyFIREWORK!
even brighter than the moon!: I love you more than the sky and the sea, I love you more than the air that I breathe, I love you tomorrow like I love you today
even brighter than the moon!: Objeto de mi amor ♥
even brighter than the moon!: la belleza de tener solo luces en tu piel.
even brighter than the moon!: so give me coffee and TV.
even brighter than the moon!: elMEJORfindesemana♥
even brighter than the moon!: everything's perfect with you ♥
even brighter than the moon!: driving in your car, oh please don't drive me home.
even brighter than the moon!: 16 months with him ♥
even brighter than the moon!: they made a statue for us, and put it on a mountain top