ofavre: DSC_0045
ofavre: detail of lab table with asbestos
ofavre: lab table with asbestos
ofavre: P1000561
ofavre: P1000557
ofavre: corde amiante
ofavre: insulation pipe
ofavre: boiler insulation
ofavre: back with nature
ofavre: insulation pipe
ofavre: isolation de calorifuge
ofavre: floor tile
ofavre: ancienne chaufferie
ofavre: isolation amiante
ofavre: chaufferie
ofavre: joint de porte en chrysotile
ofavre: amiante en vrac
ofavre: amiante- J M- original
ofavre: Tableau électrique
ofavre: plaque de protection électrique
ofavre: fibrociment