Amber Weinberg: Love the case for headphone #iphone5
Amber Weinberg: Omg look what just came to the door!!
Amber Weinberg: The best design advice ever
Amber Weinberg: He's almost as cute as his brother.
Amber Weinberg: Woke up to find this in my bed. Can I keep him???
Amber Weinberg: Her hand stitching and beading
Amber Weinberg: So jealous of my sister's talent. Her work is beautiful.
Amber Weinberg: Heel finished! #knitting #yarn #crafting
Amber Weinberg: Wtf is this crap?!?? It was just warm!
Amber Weinberg: Spending time with Quentin's brother.
Amber Weinberg: Someday I'll ONLY wear #handknit socks. That would be heaven. #knitting #yarn #crafting
Amber Weinberg: The costume my sis is working on
Amber Weinberg: Gusset and The Hobbit #knitting #sock #crafting
Amber Weinberg: My new car!
Amber Weinberg: There is nothing better in this world than #handknit socks.
Amber Weinberg: Keeping myself warm with my #crochet as I work on it.
Amber Weinberg: My sizes are so inconsistent :( #spinning #yarn #knitting
Amber Weinberg: My BFF came to see mule yesterday at JFK. Had our ritual donut scarfing time.
Amber Weinberg: Sock progress #knitting #yarn
Amber Weinberg: Working on socks the whole flight. @knittingsquids I tried your two needle approach but it was creating ladders at the side so I moved backed to 4. #knitting #yarn #crafting
Amber Weinberg: Sad I'm going to be parted from this pup for two weeks.
Amber Weinberg: Look at this beautiful German wishing sock that my lovely friend Eva got me. Wonder what wish is inside? :)
Amber Weinberg: Look at all this beautiful #roving fibre from @ayarnlovingmama
Amber Weinberg: The start of some gorgeous new socks. #knitting #yarn #crafting
Amber Weinberg: This is what I have to put up with in bed.
Amber Weinberg: Lovely washcloth knitted from @molliemakes @gatheredbymm #knitting #cotton
Amber Weinberg: Hope they never replace these vintage signs.
Amber Weinberg: Think they'll make it through security?
Amber Weinberg: The man I've been sleeping with lately.
Amber Weinberg: Ain't doing nuthin but #spinning some #yarn