Amber Hunter: May 1st - Happy Me Made May everyone! The pants are @colettepatterns junipers and the tank is @truebias south port hack. Everything else is thrifted. #mmmay17 #memademay2017
Amber Hunter: May 17th - I know I am not saying anything new, but men! I wish it warm up. I have way cuter me made a then this. Another #deeranddoe shirt. #mmmay16 #memademay2016
Amber Hunter: May 16th - I was traveling last week and wasn't really feeling the selfie thing. I can promise that I did wear me made a though. There is today's...#mmmay16 #memademay2016 #makersgonnamake #sewaholicgranville
Amber Hunter: May 10th - I have a love hate relationship with this top. It looks nice when I am standing, but it rides up when I sit down. I just love the fabric so much that I still try to wear it once a month. #mmmay16 #memademay2016 #craftingpride
Amber Hunter: May 8th. Spending my day in a freezer requires warm layers. @grainlinestudio archer shirt. P.s my gym bag in the background is me made too!#mmmay16 #memademay2016 #bakerlife
Amber Hunter: May 6th. @grainlinestudio moss skirt. Happy Friday!#mmmay16 #memademay2016 #makersgonnamake
Amber Hunter: May 4th. @bluegingerdoll violet dress. Super comfy knit dress for this cold morning.#mmmay16 #memademay2016 #makersgonnamake
Amber Hunter: May 2nd. I have the day off so it's more 'lounge wear' for me. Me made blue #deeranddoe tee. And a cat photo bomb. #mmmay16 #memademay2016 #craftingpride
Amber Hunter: May 1st. The weather is crap today and I am just planning on sewing most the day so a comfy Tee and my me made draw string pants are up. Yeah for lazy Sunday's.
Amber Hunter: May 14th - I made this skirt last year out of a rayon and it's so swishy. #colettepatterns #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 13th - @truebias southport dress. Love!
Amber Hunter: May 12th - @bluegingerdoll violet dress. Super comfy. You can't see it but this is one of the few dresses I have made with sleeves. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 11th - so this is my Franken top. It's a combo of the southport dress and the by hand London Polly tank and I am in love. Saved myself $10 and I am gonna make a million of them #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 10th - a third of the way through this. A cold morning requires a comfy shirt. Grainline's archer. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 9th- it's pretty rainy here in Colorado and I have a bunch of errands to run so my me made today is my sewaholic coat. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 8th. Spent most of the day in my jammies so I am counting this as my me made for the day. Pattern by sewaholic. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 7th- another not so favorite top. The armholes are a little too short and it cuts into the arm in the back. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 6th - I hate this shirt. On the envelope it looks cute but I think it makes me look fat and frumpy. It's headed for the goodwill box after today I think.
Amber Hunter: May 5th - colette's juniper pants. These were my go to winter lounge pants. Fit great!
Amber Hunter: May 4th. Sewaholic's Gainville. One of my very favorite makes so far. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 3rd - deer and does centauree. Have you ever had a project that caused you so much anger that you put it in your closet and forgot about it? That's this dress for me. Seriously the first time I have worn it.
Amber Hunter: May 2nd. Easy like Saturday morning. Alder skirt. #mmm15 #memademay #memademay15
Amber Hunter: May 1st - here we go! New look 6048 with my cowboy boots you can't see. Also me-made undies, but I am not showing those!
Amber Hunter: Trying to pick which sundress to make for the #sewsundress sew-a-long. I am leaning toward either the top left or top right...
Amber Hunter: May 30th. Vegas bound today! #mmmay14 #memademay
Amber Hunter: May 28th. I bought this fabric well on vacation and every time I wear this dress I think of vacation. Mmmmmm vacation...#mmmay14 #memademay
Amber Hunter: May 27th. My last Hollyburn skirt (I swear!) #mmmay14 #memademay
Amber Hunter: May 26th. Hollyburn four. #mmmay14 #memademay #sewaholic
Amber Hunter: May 25th. Day late. Yup, these are my Jammie's. I am counting this as yesterday's me made....#mmmay14 #memademay #sewaholic
Amber Hunter: May 24th. Hollyburns #3. Headed out for some fabric shopping with my sis! #mmmay14