&Nxo: Para Juan David y Emily
&Nxo: Teleton (Teatro Caupolican)
&Nxo: Teleton (Teatro Caupolican)
marcoarieel: Fran Valenzuela <3
Amanda Mabel: Day 318/365 ~ The Tricky Thing is Yesterday We Were Just Children; Playing Soldiers, Just Pretending
Alejandro Bonilla: Luna 6-04-2012
archiste: l'uomosulponte, gennaio 2012
Alejandro Bonilla: Lunes 20, Santiago centro
Alejandro Bonilla: Retrato de la matu
jon madison: foureyes.
Josef...: Heavens and Earth
Irene Pedergnana: The lighthouse
Alejandro Bonilla: Protesta Andha Chile, deudores habitacionales
Amanda Mabel: Let it Be If We're Nothing More than Dreamers
carlos_muller: Radiohead
jon madison: i want autumn...and shannon...together!:)
lmilla: ahava-8950.jpg
Amanda Mabel: Day 272/365 ~ Nobody Said It was Easy; No One Ever Said It Would be This Hard [Explored!]
Alejandro Bonilla: Viendo entre los fierros
María Lawliet: Mon petit chat ♥
Amanda Mabel: Day 226/365 ~ Other People's Opinion of You Does not Have to Become your Reality