Alicia Tormey: More experimenting... #aliciatormey #artstudio #encaustic
Alicia Tormey: What I see today...just below the surface. #deepwax #encaustic #aliciatormey #fineart
Alicia Tormey: Art Matters! #fineart #art #aliciatormey #inscape #artmatters
Alicia Tormey: Back to my roots. Little concept piece. #art #encaustic #aliciatormey #fineart #organic #roots
Alicia Tormey: This is what I pulled from the puppy's mouth today. It had been sitting on my nightstand for months... ever since I found it in a fortune cookie. A tiny slip of paper so small that I didn't notice that it had slipped off and fallen under my bed. Until tod
Alicia Tormey: Cultivating my summer garden. #floatingflowers #encaustic #aliciatormey #summerstudiosessions
Alicia Tormey: Turquoise
cureilona of Lightpainted Doll: RED European Enchanted Doll, resin, One of a Kind
TinyJewelsShop: Endless Pearl Necklace
TinyJewelsShop: Endless Pearl Necklace
TinyJewelsShop: Elaborate Showgirl Necklace
TinyJewelsShop: New for Tonner and MSD!
TinyJewelsShop: New for Tonner and MSD!
TinyJewelsShop: New for Tonner and MSD!
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: Botanical Gardens
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
TinyJewelsShop: The French Room
MaskcatDoll: Feline (7)
resinbambola: commission - r
resinbambola: Better banama or cuppycake?
brendan.paull: Standing Next to the Ocean
Naoano: Blythe
Naoano: Shoes for Momoko