Julia-Anna Gospodarou: ALL THAT JAZZ - Manhattan Pier, New York City
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Dali’s Distant Dream - Chrysler Building New York
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Enlightenment III – Mont Saint Michel, France
Aaron Yeoman: Elegance and Decorum
Nespyxel: Crazy islander colours
Nespyxel: The other FACE - Bow window
Nespyxel: Living in Panarea
Eric Gofreed: Unexpected Aggression
Michel Ventri: sunlit whelming
NorthernXposure: Misty Moorings
NorthernXposure: Summer Fields
NorthernXposure: Blackness Pier
NorthernXposure: North Cross
NorthernXposure: Tethered Friends II
NorthernXposure: Wild Westquarter
NorthernXposure: A Bridge To Haar
NorthernXposure: Achray Arch
Frank van Dongen: I'm not Marilyn
Frank van Dongen: The Voice of the Sea
Frank van Dongen: red sails
Frank van Dongen: patches of white
Frank van Dongen: Wintertime
Frank van Dongen: Happy Easter
Frank van Dongen: Afraid of sunlight
Frank van Dongen: M.C. Escher - impossible staircase
Frank van Dongen: Frost viken