Double--M: From Harpel's Typograph
Double--M: From the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
tela, telefone: vai, raquel
agua_tonica: revista_TAM_nov2013
Double--M: From the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
Double--M: Brockhaus & Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
------MUNDAN¹O: #temposmundanos
Zé Vicente: Folha de SP, revista sãopaulo
State Library of NSW: Launching HMAS "Parramatta", Cockatoo Dock, June 1939 / photographer Sam Hood
Zé Vicente: volcano nebula
jericl cat: Pine Ridge Furniture Co.
Akiro Studios: keep your radar turning
misteraitch: Diving Helmet
le petit français: tumblr_lhnyt9zu8y1qgchteo1_500_large
Jasmine Dominique: Hatcha for DBD Clothing
State Library of NSW: Nellie Donegan, roller skater, 1913 / photographer Apeda (N.Y.)
James Whíte: Triangles
timparkerillustration: Higgs Boson Discoveries
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Afternoon in the garden, Sunnybank, ca. 1915 Screen Shot 2012-06-22 at 3.57.00 PM