Nanley (Kate): 365:22 Yes. This.
Anda74: Bella
Jess Gambacurta: 42/365: weekday indulgence
Anda74: Ice Swimming (7/52) - Brrrr!
Geoff Fandrick: Do or do not ... there is no try!
Pr1mo Fotografie: Rocco and me
kit: Spinach quiche
Anda74: Late Afternoon Light
Jose Viegas: The last colors of the day
Peter Tsai Photography: Franklin BBQ - Austin, TX
Anda74: Boy. Speed. Joy.
JaderBug Photography: Who says dogs can't read?
ashleyy_b: ava1
uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs: New Jersey from the Westside Highway
Anda74: Movement Week - Day 4 - Splash!
Piotr Organa: Sweet Emory
Apogee Photography: Happy Birthday Dad Good Night ACL
J.T Photography: The look of sympathy.
Todd Kravos: Busy waiting
jwillier2: Deck Dog
birzer: cart wheel
Anda74: Joy
morbidly_obese: Bright Eyes
Geoff Fandrick: IMG_6978
DutchImage: One year of Aero
PatrickGunderson: Composition #72