amandahaven: One must spend time contemplating their jump onto the couch.
amandahaven: Peter doing some foot sniffing
amandahaven: allmmooossttt...
amandahaven: can i get to drawer this way?
amandahaven: this is my paw, and yes it is quite cute
amandahaven: munchies
amandahaven: meeeeaahhhh....
amandahaven: here I come!
amandahaven: Bunny yawn!!!!! And in the litter box no less!
amandahaven: Oh you know, just hangin out, being handsome
amandahaven: "what?"
amandahaven: Banana bandit!
amandahaven: Sharing secrets
amandahaven: Sprawling man
amandahaven: posing Peterman
amandahaven: little binky..a bink if you will
amandahaven: watcha lookin at lil guy?
amandahaven: Mazzy girl
amandahaven: Marvel on the move
amandahaven: pretty little things
amandahaven: Begin binky preparations
amandahaven: Having some little bites of blackberry
amandahaven: Peter being all sweet with the kissin
amandahaven: Ahhhh, having a good stretch
amandahaven: bathtime for chickadee
amandahaven: strolling strolling
amandahaven: and you are bringing food when?
amandahaven: upsy daisy
amandahaven: whaaaaaaaa