alwelheath: Barn and Sheep Pens
alwelheath: Sea View
alwelheath: The Strand
alwelheath: Kiloran Beach
alwelheath: Boundary Fence
alwelheath: Machair
alwelheath: On Guard
alwelheath: Crofting
alwelheath: Rough Pasture
alwelheath: Outside bathroom
alwelheath: standing stones
alwelheath: Kilchattan Cemetery
alwelheath: Kilchattan Cemetery
alwelheath: Kilchattan Cemetery
alwelheath: Kilchattan Cemetery
alwelheath: War memorial Scalasaig
alwelheath: stone cross Oronsay Abbey
alwelheath: remains of Oronsay Abbey
alwelheath: beach west coast
alwelheath: beach at Ardskenish
alwelheath: sand dunes
alwelheath: rocks at seashore
alwelheath: metamorphic rock
alwelheath: metemorphic rock
alwelheath: seaweed
alwelheath: beach
alwelheath: Machrins Farm
alwelheath: Colonsay House
alwelheath: Colonsay House Gardens
alwelheath: Colonsay House Gardens