jamesstark: DSC_7683
jamesstark: DSC_7684
jamesstark: DSC_7676
consuelathan: Ramón
Panda Face: Cycling Cap Pattern
Bicicentro Nación Pedal: Voltaire Negra y Sillín Brooks
consuelathan: Ramón y Lola
consuelathan: Ramón
consuelathan: Blonde Redhead @ Teatro La Cúpula, Santiago - Chile
consuelathan: El Ramón en el refrigerador
consuelathan: The Dark Cat Rises
consuelathan: The Radio Dept - Santiago, Chile [2012]
Big J.W.: cobra stickers devil fish
consuelathan: panqueques
consuelathan: Lola bordadora
consuelathan: Ramon en bandeja
::HΔK3N::: Stgo Design
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Apollo 12 Mission image - Astronaut Charles Conrad Jr., Apollo 12 commander, using a 70mm handheld Haselblad camera
ch3k: Design is how it works
ch3k: Design is hard
consuelathan: Ramón y Lola
consuelathan: Ramón y Lola
consuelathan: Ramón
justinvg: ID Series
consuelathan: Ramón
consuelathan: Lola en la ventana
consuelathan: Lola durmiendo
consuelathan: patitas