anacm.silva: Scarlet Honeyeater / Scarlet myzomela
jmahiquesmeseguer: Grullas coronadas
I follow birds: White Ibis
adamrainoff: Crimson-mantled Woodpecker
leonburda: Plate-billed Mountain Toucan.jpg
aivar.mikko: Sandstone Formations from Devils Garden Trail
Luis Llebrez: Badlands
dgoldenberg52: Anhinga bashing its prey against a branch
dgoldenberg52: Ibis fighting for real estate
Jeff-Photo: Les yeux dans les yeux
ThomasG - TG Naturfoto: Gänsegeier / Griffon Vulture
PETEJLB: Barn Owl/Common Kestrel
Josh13770: Crested Caracara
juewes: LR_IMG_2025_01_25_426916-RR40
Marclinby: Little Spiderhunter.
Bigjoee: Immature Bald Eagle_
anacm.silva: Port Lincoln Parrot / Australian ringneck
gonepterix: Canards Sauvages
Terry Carew: White Backed Vulture near Satara
Betty Vlasiu: Marbled Godwit
anacm.silva: Satin bowerbird - female
Alan Gutsell: Royal Tern
Ted Holm Photography: Geese navigate tight spaces with remarkable precision, flying together seamlessly in pursuit of food
Carolien114: Roodnektangare - Red-necked Tanager
Michael Loyd 1: American Woodcock
ThorpeMarshman: Blue-tailed Trogon (Trogon comptus)
ThorpeMarshman: White-tailed Trogon (Trogon chionurus)
manuxxx.mtnez: Eastern Brown Pelican/Stare down contest
rtruemper1: 2 - anhingas playing.