ÀngelaPz: Moraira
Makuya: Schleife
FotoosVanRobin: Century Eggs
.Sam♠Sayer.: Nothing lasts forever
Greg 50: It's just too bad I haven't got a Ferrari...
chobecajero: Tunnel of life
chobecajero: Ode to the Gods
pericoterrades: De piedras
AntonioCM: Mirando por un tubo
_Blancinegre: Blue Water
Mikko Reinikainen: Flash distance affects subject-background lighting ratio
Chaval Brasil: Double Splash
EudaldCJ: A contrallum
Laureano Moreno: A moment like this...
Rodaina: لحظه غضب
Junkie_frog: This isn't happening
*atrium09: Nostalgica / Nostalgic
Ørs: white on blanc
RobStelling: Pele - Piel - Skin
pericoterrades: Kitesurf
... marta ... maduixaaaa: sólo sé que no sé nada.
curists: DSC_0126
james.kiong: lights
Musa...: dosis
Jamal Alayoubi: Waiting 4 the past !