U.S. National Archives: Leakey Resident Cooling Her Feet in the Rio Frio, 07/1972
U.S. National Archives: Student at Work at Senior High School in New Ulm, Minnesota the Town Is a County Seat Trading Center of 13,000 in a Farming Area of South Central Minnesota...
U.S. National Archives: Hibiscus flowers thrive on all the islands, October 1973
North East Museums: Synchronised Swimmers
suzy_yes: greek old man, illustration for a poster
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 303 of "A manual of therapeutic exercise and massage, designed for the use of physicians, students and masseurs" (1917)
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 232 of "Sub turri = Under the tower : the yearbook of Boston College" (1913)
Studio-Takeuma: 鏡地獄
joan casaramona: putauca2
joan casaramona: guerpica
malota: Waiting for Cancer
pilllpat (agence eureka): matchnippo015
pilllpat (agence eureka): matchnippo272
cardboardamerica@gmail.com: Hotel Fremont - Las Vegas, Nevada
Noamweiner: Olympics
盲MangMang: The onlooker sees most of the game#2 2015
Can Dagarslani: Identities
Kohxi: 32580003
kolbisneat: Double-Rotor Two-Wheel Disk Drive Bike
fanzinepaper: Àlbum 003
suzy_yes: Evening in Bat Galim, 21x29.7 cm, oil pastel om paper, 2016
suzy_yes: Masada street, 21x29.7 cm, pencil on paper, 2016