allison.mclerran: waterfall in valle de frances
allison.mclerran: waterfall in park PN
allison.mclerran: waterfall at the valle de frances2
allison.mclerran: waterfall at the parkPN
allison.mclerran: wall i climbed and slope i 'skied down'
allison.mclerran: walking to the caves in puerto natales
allison.mclerran: walking the wall3
allison.mclerran: walking the wall2
allison.mclerran: walking the wall
allison.mclerran: view up the valle de frances
allison.mclerran: ugly mean dog tied up at mirador dorotea
allison.mclerran: two penguins
allison.mclerran: trees blown by the wind
allison.mclerran: trees and sky mirador dorotea
allison.mclerran: tree and scenery up to mirador dorotea
allison.mclerran: torres del paine in the morning
allison.mclerran: torres del paine first day
allison.mclerran: this is tacky
allison.mclerran: The virgin by the mountain
allison.mclerran: the view from wall Puerto natales
allison.mclerran: the descent2
allison.mclerran: the descent
allison.mclerran: the ascent3
allison.mclerran: the ascent2
allison.mclerran: the ascent
allison.mclerran: tad, michel, jess, and gavin at dinner-erratic rock puerto natales
allison.mclerran: Tad waiting for me
allison.mclerran: tad guiding me down
allison.mclerran: tad biting a rope ?
allison.mclerran: tad at top