allicette: tied
allicette: IMG_8956-Ming
allicette: You say that evil left you behind
allicette: Constanza, Melanie, Erica II
allicette: Turn your back on love
allicette: I hang my hopes out on the line
allicette: The Circles Edges Were Sharp
allicette: I woke up one day to find I had disappeared
allicette: You've given a demon to me
allicette: Man on the train with a bag of chocolates, Feb. 14 2012
allicette: Soho Street NYC, Feb. 14 2012
allicette: The Ondine
allicette: I feel the reason as it's leaving me
allicette: It's your eyes I don't believe
allicette: Nobody dies a virgin, life f*cks us all over
allicette: You're within, I'm without
allicette: Blinded Brightest Crystalline
allicette: Everything ends
allicette: Reflections are protections
allicette: There was a limit to your love
allicette: Insomnia is my mistress
allicette: My body is a cage
allicette: Dreams can be deceiving like faces are to hearts
allicette: The ocean wants my soul
allicette: Ocean before the storm
allicette: Through the trees
allicette: Beach Birds
allicette: The emptiness we leave behind
allicette: View of New York City
allicette: Looking Down