AllenPan02: 好基友-My lovely bro.
AllenPan02: 《燒香拜佛》-Burn incense and pray
AllenPan02: 《燒香拜佛》-Burn incense and pray
AllenPan02: 《昂坪市集》-Ngong Ping Village
AllenPan02: 《寶蓮禪寺》-Po Lin Monastery
AllenPan02: 《壆圍公立學校廢墟》-School hall and reception area ruins.
AllenPan02: 《壆圍公立學校廢墟》-School hall and reception area ruins.
AllenPan02: 《壆圍公立學校廢墟》-School hall and reception area ruins.
AllenPan02: 《採花賊!》-Natural thief😹
AllenPan02: 《秋意的我》-Autumnal me.
AllenPan02: 《等潮汐的螺》-Waiting for tide.
AllenPan02: 《羈絆錯杯》-Friendship
AllenPan02: 《似香蕉的蘆薈花》-Look like banana(Aloe flower)
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《撩人的粉魅花兒》-Seductive flower.
AllenPan02: 《瓊漿玉露》-Nectaring.
AllenPan02: 《四面花》-Face to four ways.
AllenPan02: 《牛仔不忙》-Cowboy
AllenPan02: 《跋山涉水過竹林》-Across the bamboo forest after an arduous journey.
AllenPan02: 《小黃菇》-Small yellow mushroom.
AllenPan02: 《我只是睡過頭了》-I'm just oversleep.
AllenPan02: 《球與水波》-Ball and water wave.
AllenPan02: 《海風與浪子》-Sea breeze and vagrant.
AllenPan02: 《祝你平安》-Fare you well
AllenPan02: 《銀子岩》-China Stalactite Cave
AllenPan02: 《銀子岩》-China Stalactite Cave
AllenPan02: 《孤行者》-Leave me alone
AllenPan02: 《賞星之夜》-The Night Of Galaxy