AllenPan02: 《醞釀青苔》-Feed moss
AllenPan02: 《屏南石澗》-PingNam Stream.
AllenPan02: 《點亮秘境》-Lighting the secret up.
AllenPan02: 《佔領舊立法會》-Occupy old LegCo.
AllenPan02: 《萬家燈火》-Myriad lights
AllenPan02: 《家鄉煙火》-Fireworks in the country.
AllenPan02: 《鯉魚門公園》-LeiYueMum Beacon
AllenPan02: 《在燈塔下》-Under Beacon.
AllenPan02: 《一號金海》-One Golden Sea
AllenPan02: 《評審團》-Jury
AllenPan02: 《在大東山俯瞰》-Overlook at Sunset Peak
AllenPan02: 《城門水塘上的偕老故事》-Grow old together.
AllenPan02: 《大帽山的霧與空間感》-Fag&sense of space on the top of ThaiMo mountain.
AllenPan02: 《大帽山雲海日出》-TaiMo Mountain Sunsire
AllenPan02: 《植物界的愛情故事》-Maybe the love of plant-world.
AllenPan02: 《黑暗服務》-Service in dark.
AllenPan02: 《願原力與你同在》-May the force be with you.
AllenPan02: 《寶蓮禪寺》-Monastery temple
AllenPan02: 《我家那天悅目的清晨》-That day brilliant morning at my home.
AllenPan02: 《何文田夜色》-Night of HoManTin
AllenPan02: 《維多利亞港夜色》-Night of Victoria.
AllenPan02: 《聖誕快樂》-Merry Chrismas.
AllenPan02: 《溢彩林道》-Colorful bamboo forest.
AllenPan02: 《聽夢的人》-The man listens to dream.
AllenPan02: 《累了,就睡吧》-Go sleep when you're tired!
AllenPan02: 《雲流如浪》-Clouds slide as wave
AllenPan02: 《鶴咀日出》-Cape D'Aguilar Sunrise
AllenPan02: 《茫茫草》-Silvergrass Mountain
AllenPan02: 《賞星之夜》-The Night Of Galaxy
AllenPan02: 《孤行者》-Leave me alone