AllenPan02: 《成群結黨》-Make a group
AllenPan02: 《展向茂盛》-Grow up
AllenPan02: 《樹枝節》-Branch of tree
AllenPan02: 《花雨交匯》-The confluence of flower&rainwater
AllenPan02: 《互相靠攏》-Gathering
AllenPan02: 「留白邊」-《花言葉語》-The inspiration from plant
AllenPan02: 香港櫻花兒-Sakura in Hong Kong
AllenPan02: 香港櫻花兒-Sakura in Hong Kong
AllenPan02: 《公園裡的蒲公英》-Park's Dandelion
AllenPan02: 《紅花瓣森林》-Red petal bosk
AllenPan02: 《朦朧感的魅惑》-Allure
AllenPan02: 《露珠》-Dewdrop
AllenPan02: 《屹立不倒的祂》-Stand rock-firm
AllenPan02: 《君子的葉》-Bamboo leaf
AllenPan02: 《沐光的花兒》-The flower in sunshine.
AllenPan02: 《幽光小徑》-When I feel misted
AllenPan02: 《在鳳凰山上俯盼》-Overlook on the Lantau Peak
AllenPan02: 《陳年舊樹餘根存》-Only a little part left—The old tree.
AllenPan02: 《大東山的脈絡》-Lantau Peak
AllenPan02: 《石斑木》-Raphiolepis indica
AllenPan02: 《秋意水晶球》-Crystal ball in fall
AllenPan02: 《濕地公園》-Wetland Park
AllenPan02: 《陰霾之下》-Under haze.
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《在釣魚翁上俯盼》-Overlook on High Junk Peak.
AllenPan02: 《藍天白雲》-Blue sky and white cloud.
AllenPan02: 《跋山涉水過竹林》-Across the bamboo forest after an arduous journey.
AllenPan02: 《看!那些追風的人》-Look! Wind-follower.
AllenPan02: 《朝夕之路》-The way to the end.