AllenPan02: 《休閒貓》-A cat in release.
AllenPan02: 《休閒貓》-A cat in release.
AllenPan02: 《未用の課室》-Unopened classroom
AllenPan02: 《星巴克的工具們》-Starbucks-equipment
AllenPan02: 《輕鐵鐵軌》-Light railway
AllenPan02: 《成群結黨》-Make a group
AllenPan02: 《剩下質感》-Texture
AllenPan02: 《燒香拜佛》-Burn incense and pray
AllenPan02: 《燒香拜佛》-Burn incense and pray
AllenPan02: 《大澳單車維修店》-Bike repair shop in Tai O.
AllenPan02: 《秋意的我》-Autumnal me.
AllenPan02: 《志蓮淨苑》-Chi Lin Nunnery
AllenPan02: 《出淤泥而不染》-Live in the silt but not imbrued.
AllenPan02: 《瓊漿玉露》-Nectaring.
AllenPan02: 《跋山涉水過竹林》-Across the bamboo forest after an arduous journey.
AllenPan02: 《朝夕之路》-The way to the end.
AllenPan02: 《兆康-輕鐵軌》-SiuHong Rail Track
AllenPan02: 《雲流如浪》-Clouds slide as wave
AllenPan02: 《聽夢的人》-The man listens to dream.
AllenPan02: 《溢彩林道》-Colorful bamboo forest.
AllenPan02: 《願原力與你同在》-May the force be with you.
AllenPan02: 《黑暗服務》-Service in dark.
AllenPan02: 《城門水塘上的偕老故事》-Grow old together.
AllenPan02: 《評審團》-Jury
AllenPan02: 《在燈塔下》-Under Beacon.
AllenPan02: 《鯉魚門公園》-LeiYueMum Beacon
AllenPan02: 《家鄉煙火》-Fireworks in the country.
AllenPan02: 《佔領舊立法會》-Occupy old LegCo.
AllenPan02: 《點亮秘境》-Lighting the secret up.
AllenPan02: 《醞釀青苔》-Feed moss