alitay: Desert Marigold Remnant
alitay: Aphids
alitay: Barrel Jumper
alitay: Mantis!
alitay: Cholla Chomp
alitay: Poppy
alitay: Tuber Anemone Fingers
alitay: Jumping Spider on Brittlebush
alitay: Leafhopper Snuggle
alitay: Coral Bean
alitay: Tiny Hopper Amongst the Brittlebush
alitay: Green Lynx Protecting Her Egg Sac
alitay: Cactus Coreid Nymph Feasting on some Prickly Pear at Dusk
alitay: Stink Bug on Desert Cotton
alitay: Schiszax senex LeConte
alitay: Trans-pecos Ayenia Flower
alitay: Unopened Globemallow
alitay: Yellow Paper Wasp on Yerba Porosa
alitay: Leafhopper on Trans-pecos ayenia fruit.
alitay: Tiger Rattlesnake
alitay: Green Lynx Spider and Exoskeleton
alitay: Apache Click Beetle
alitay: Burned Barrel
alitay: Unexpected Visitor
alitay: Snake Encounter
alitay: Gray Bird Grasshopper
alitay: Shapes of Sap
alitay: Fire Survivor
alitay: Beauty Before the Fire
alitay: Cactus Longhorn Beetle Awaiting a Monsoon