alexandrajones14: Waterfalls at Tatai
alexandrajones14: well as steaming rice (also a safe option - add your own soy and chilli and away you go)...
alexandrajones14: Scrabble and Moet out of tumblers...the latter was a rather 'Cambodian' touch to the occasion.
alexandrajones14: Jungle lodge essentials
alexandrajones14: Sure, we can do this (just how *far* is it again?)
alexandrajones14: Sadly these fungii were about as close we got to spotting scary natural creatures in the 'jungle' but hey, it was a nice walk...
alexandrajones14: Small fishies
alexandrajones14: Solo man moment
alexandrajones14: Compulsory offerings of the Cambodian road stop: Mangoes, pineapples and bananas (also known as the safe options)...
alexandrajones14: These guys were lovin' it
alexandrajones14: What appeared to be a prime butterfly pick up spot...
alexandrajones14: And the aftermath of the leech.
alexandrajones14: Sunday morning offerings
alexandrajones14: This is a smile that says, oh yes, its 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon and I'm already far from the craziness of Phnom Penh and ready for a drink :)
alexandrajones14: ...and a combination of foods that definitely haven't been kept under Australian hygiene standards. Eat these at your own risk (esp if your bus doesn't have a toilet onboard)
alexandrajones14: The paddle says it all...
alexandrajones14: Not a bad spot to take Sunday breakfast
alexandrajones14: Ze German guy with ze smoothest (and maybe campest) German accent I think I've ever heard...
alexandrajones14: ...except for the leech!