alexandrajones14: Yes, this is really the colour of the (imaginatively named) Small Lagoon.
alexandrajones14: All good things must come to an end. Albeit a delayed end, like all good Philippino airline flights, apparently.
alexandrajones14: DSC_5688.jpg
alexandrajones14: #nosuchthingasaflatteringdivingphoto
alexandrajones14: Wizard explains the wreck, and all the crevices we're going to swim into [and Ali internally panics]
alexandrajones14: Suiting up!
alexandrajones14: Like a scene from some kind of fantasy game
alexandrajones14: So many lagoons, so little time.
alexandrajones14: #waterlikeglass.
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alexandrajones14: Honeymoon spot?
alexandrajones14: Philippines colour wheel: not just impossible greens and blues, I promise.
alexandrajones14: What happens when you try and take a dog with short legs on a hike with ladders.
alexandrajones14: Group dive: the aftermath
alexandrajones14: In which Laura shows she is capable of walking on water.
alexandrajones14: The old one arm (bikini-saving) dive into Barracuda lake. Gorgeous place!
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alexandrajones14: You can lead a boat dog to water, but you can't make her swim. Evidently.
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alexandrajones14: #nofilter.
alexandrajones14: No prizes for guessing why this is the most photographed place in the Philippines.
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alexandrajones14: The tourists + the crew :)
alexandrajones14: The tourists.
alexandrajones14: Outrigger wrestling championships: an ongoing crew pastime.
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alexandrajones14: Lunch spot. Jealous yet?
alexandrajones14: Philippino funeral procession.
alexandrajones14: Bow-riding.