Alison Gresik: Day 1: Robe and slippers - my standard uniform at home. Warmth is more important than style! Taking the first step with #beyourownbeloved today.
Alison Gresik: Day 2: Tell out, my soul - singing at church, using my voice to its fullest, fills me right back up. The descant on this hymn was especially satisfying today. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 4: Playfulness! My kids are sticking their tongues out at me a lot these days. Feels good! #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 5: The view from my spot at the dining table. Nice to have my reflection as a constant dinner companion. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 6: My photo walk took me by many beds of spring flowers, but today I was drawn to capture the lawns torn up by crows looking for grubs. They are everywhere this winter. A fascinating image - not sure what it means. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 7: Savouring a visit to the infrared sauna at my favourite spa today. The heat makes me happy. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 8: This look of love snuck up on me.
Alison Gresik: Day 9: To my inner critics ... peace out, dudes. Everything is going to be okay. I love you. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 10: Streetlight shadow. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 11: Learning how to be whole and multi-faceted at the same time ... #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 12: The truth of today is that my parents are visiting for three weeks and I can't stop smiling. Tonight we went to see my cousin's band play and it was fantastic. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 13: Movement - warming up my voice and drying my hair before church. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 15: Claiming space. Beautiful walk at Capilano with my parents today. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 16: Rest time - in bed with the new Garth Nix book, Clariel.
Alison Gresik: Day 17: Part of the whole. Feeling a little lost today. Glad I have somewhere to come home to. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 18: A cozy place, lit and shaded, to gather myself. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 19: Definitely feeling flirty while out at a rock concert with my husband. Note the melty bead earrings handmade by Lia! #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 20: Focus and blur. Last week was hard. Life felt so unclear. I'm doing better now because I have a plan and a focus, but it's good to have an image to remind me of the blurriness, the way it comes and goes. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 23: Valuing my experience. Shawn and I had a half-day to ourselves today while the kids stayed with their grandparents. Such a rare treat! I took lots of photos and this was my favourite. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 24: You are the beholder. Today we rode the Sea to Sky Gondola and filled up on nature's beauty. This is a photo of me smiling at my husband, who thinks I'm taking a picture of him. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 25: Being my own friend. Class is over but I've still got some images to post. This one is from our hike to Sheringham Point Lighthouse on Vancouver Island last Friday. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 26: My self-love journey. I want to embrace my own brand of beautiful. Sign found on a walk with my parents in Horseshoe Bay. #beyourownbeloved
Alison Gresik: Day 28: Sending love to myself. We had a rapturous day at Butchart Gardens yesterday, soaking in so much beauty. I am very grateful for having the Be Your Own Beloved community and experience to accompany me this last month. #beyourownbeloved