Alien the Human: Let the thing you love most silently draw you in.
Alien the Human: As above.
Alien the Human: Let's put a smile on that face.
Alien the Human: When supermoon meets blood moon.
Alien the Human: Super moon pre blood moon
Alien the Human: ✖️the journey is more important than the destination✖️
Alien the Human: 5/8/15 Instagram: @alienthehuman
Alien the Human: Instagram @alienthehuman
Alien the Human: Instagram @alienthehuman
Alien the Human: DSC_5447-01
Alien the Human: But I don't know that I have total control over it and I'm not even sure it matters. Why, sometimes things happen and you can't do anything. Plus, I'm the only one who deals with it anyway.
Alien the Human: Sure, sleeping in is rad but why stay in bed and dream when you can be awake and alive making your dreams a reality! ✌
Alien the Human: If you're not chasing your dreams you're chasing someone else's. Every day I make it a point to take at least one step closer to where I want to be whether it be a small step or a large step. Fortunately for me they've been monumental steps in the right d
Alien the Human: "GET DOWN"
Alien the Human: Never stop exploring! This is a turkey vulture feather that I found on the planks at peddlers trail in Guilford ct hiking. I'm grateful for the ability to explore and wander and wonder. Live while you're alive, my friends.
Alien the Human: The knights watch
Alien the Human: Pano at the supply pond
Alien the Human: Patricia Dart frog
Alien the Human: Patricia Dart frog
Alien the Human: This is my red eyed tree frog "Heisenberg"
Alien the Human: Supply Pond