alicemckee: PATH Secret Santa
alicemckee: PATH Secret Santa
alicemckee: Last full day with Ruthy before she is off to Gloucester on Saturday! #newyearsday
alicemckee: Yippee look what came today my lovely new @puurco iphone 5 cover
alicemckee: Watching the boats go by thinking about what to buy folk for Christmas. #shoppinglist
alicemckee: #foodstore #christmas @willowfieldpc
alicemckee: Ta da...isn't it pretty?! Sorry folks I know it's still November but screw it, we are too excited this year! #Christmas
alicemckee: Life Group
alicemckee: I have designed something genius, a 'Paper Hanger™' I don't know why I never thought of it before. #paperhanger
alicemckee: I'm not a stamp collector, but I just think this is lovely.
alicemckee: Ruthy at Antrim
alicemckee: Antrim Castle grounds
alicemckee: Feetstagram Antrim Castle
alicemckee: Antrim castle
alicemckee: Summer weather #fantastic