charlotteevergreen: everything
charlotteevergreen: you can taste the bright lights
charlotteevergreen: clouds just disappear
charlotteevergreen: had to get away
charlotteevergreen: there's a countdown
charlotteevergreen: if the text ain't freaky
charlotteevergreen: i don't care what you think
charlotteevergreen: on the summer day
charlotteevergreen: like a bomb, baby
charlotteevergreen: sun is out
charlotteevergreen: night's almost done
charlotteevergreen: caviar and cigarettes
charlotteevergreen: is the amount
charlotteevergreen: i know it's there
charlotteevergreen: just wanna be
Lili [My Fashionista Heart]: ♡ 90s Heartthrob ♡
catsrage17: Ready for the Beach
ArwennEvenstarUndomiel: School Days......
tayanajayd: foxes
Cindy Gedenspire: no...cats are allergic to cake
tayanajayd: Boxes
nicandralaval1: i love my master