Felix Wesch: Wasseramsel
Greg Vaughn: Blue Mushroom
Greg Vaughn: Rock Art
DKNC: Lake Branches
bgpanib76: Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
Greg Vaughn: Klamath Cottonwoods
Greg Vaughn: The earth is alive
StefanB: Rising Fog in Coyote Valley
katharina182: Glitter around us
Tony Aceves: Dockside Beauty
Greg Vaughn: Klamath to Shasta
Greg Vaughn: Badlands National Park
travelingwindow: Chilly Alaska
Greg Vaughn: Wailua Falls
Greg Vaughn: Oregon Coast Sunset
Greg Vaughn: Rialto Beach
Greg Vaughn: Joshua Tree
DKNC: Bright Water
katharina182: Spider in a soap bubble
Felix Wesch: Sandregenpfeifer
travelingwindow: Mist scrubs the land…
Felix Wesch: Schnee
bgpanib76: Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
StefanB: Pacific Suspense
travelingwindow: Another quickie from Alaska
jaovandelagemaat: precocious
jaovandelagemaat: Upside Downside