Felix Wesch: Sandregenpfeifer
travelingwindow: Mist scrubs the land…
Felix Wesch: Schnee
bgpanib76: Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
StefanB: Pacific Suspense
travelingwindow: Another quickie from Alaska
jaovandelagemaat: precocious
jaovandelagemaat: Upside Downside
jaovandelagemaat: Polychrome dawn
bgpanib76: Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
bluebrightly: Rabbit Knows
bluebrightly: Lower Manhattan Rhapsody
Felix Wesch: Bäume
Michael S. Russell: Sunset at Mount Baker / Komo Kulshan
jwsmithphoto: Slant of Light
jwsmithphoto: Shiprock
Greg Vaughn: Bison and Blackbird
travelingwindow: A hop, skip, and a jump
DKNC: November Ridges
Greg Vaughn: Death Valley Badlands
bgpanib76: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)-2
DKNC: Autumn Bush
Greg Vaughn: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
bgpanib76: Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata)
bgpanib76: Raccoons (Procyon lotor)
Maurizio Paganin: Monteriggioni, le chat noir
AlaskaFreezeFrame: Little Female Red Fox Watching A Flock Of Canada Geese Flying Overhead - In Explore