Nightgoose: Rhipsalis floccosa
Nightgoose: Just roses in late autumn
Nightgoose: Asteraceae
Nightgoose: Pumpkin flower and a tiny visitor
Nightgoose: Hawk cub
Nightgoose: What beautiful eyes!
Nightgoose: Heavy weight
Nightgoose: Just a hawk
Nightgoose: Orchid
Nightgoose: Lagerstroemia indica
Nightgoose: Cape Marguerite
Nightgoose: Habranthus
Nightgoose: Love is in the air!
Nightgoose: Furnarius rufus
Nightgoose: Mandevilla
Nightgoose: Spider
Nightgoose: Cactaceae
Nightgoose: A visitor
Nightgoose: Gerbera × hybrida
Nightgoose: Here comes the Sun!
Nightgoose: Cactaceae and visitors
Nightgoose: Squirrel cuckoo
Nightgoose: Asteraceae
Nightgoose: Crape myrtle
Nightgoose: Crape myrtle
Nightgoose: Crape myrtle
Nightgoose: Backlit
Nightgoose: Plum Crazy
Nightgoose: Wood leopard moth
Nightgoose: Azure Jay