karmadekarmade: constant presence
Encres Folles: I see daylight
Loo.Luisa: Raffa
-Poison Girl-: Please don't let him come in here..
Emelie C.: Zoé04
Pei78: Blythe animal hat with fur chin strap - dark blue sleepy sheep
illusionwaltz: shark boy
Legend_chii: Dust of dolls Krot Arie
Emelie C.: Vezeto02
Bluoxyde: #proBJDartists
kadosa yuan: IMG_7960-2
Vainilladolly: If I could not care about the minutes, the days, the time...just flow, without a care, like a child...
nyo denyo: Ethan
rougesanguine: Rains Of Castamere
*TatianaB*: * * *