F̶̅G̅.: tell me more
vision.ing: frozen web
Oleg S .: Paint Mines at sunrise
l z e e ~: somewhere b e t w e e n
BernadetteM*: Eisige Zeiten .|. Icy times
kaxelsenfoto: Another scene from my Infrared series!
allentimothy1947: Yard Animal
noussa noussa: Cosmos-Nara-Japan
l z e e ~: r i v e r vibe
melli.leuth: Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything..
vision.ing: frosty morning
Kei Edam: Autumn on Film
l z e e ~: between the l i n e s
kaxelsenfoto: Infrared series continues!
Maureen Bond: Devils Punchbowl
vision.ing: hibernation
melli.leuth: Every woman has a bit of Marilyn inside of her. You just have to find out if it's Monroe or Manson.
qaxwkhlm1: Frozen Morning
Of Light & Lenses: Grey Heron
Clém VDB: Plongé Dans La Brume
allentimothy1947: Frozen Leaf
l z e e ~: r i v e r impression
kaxelsenfoto: Winter scenes in Infrared!
vision.ing: winter beauty
l z e e ~: s u n c a t c h e r
vision.ing: red rose
Kei Edam: Sky Valley (on film, B&W)
Andrelo2014: Buddha