[Alexandre]: The beginning of the adventure
[Alexandre]: Day One
[Alexandre]: Ice Ice Baby
[Alexandre]: Clouded
[Alexandre]: Bridge
[Alexandre]: Frances Glacier
[Alexandre]: Espada Hill
[Alexandre]: Valle Francés
[Alexandre]: Mirador Britanico
[Alexandre]: 4th season of the day.
[Alexandre]: That colour!
[Alexandre]: Almirante Nieto mountain.
[Alexandre]: 1 A.M.
[Alexandre]: On our way
[Alexandre]: Torres under the stars.
[Alexandre]: Worth it!
[Alexandre]: Bye Bye TDP
[Alexandre]: Perito Moreno
[Alexandre]: Crevasses
[Alexandre]: Explorer
[Alexandre]: Rio de Las Vueltas
[Alexandre]: Bivouac with a view.
[Alexandre]: Venus
[Alexandre]: You can never have enough Fit Roys
[Alexandre]: Glacier Piedras Blancas
[Alexandre]: Mountain picking
[Alexandre]: Laguna de Los Tres