[Alexandre]: On fire!
[Alexandre]: Right on time
[Alexandre]: Sunrise from Pala Rusa
[Alexandre]: The snow is back
[Alexandre]: Last flight
[Alexandre]: Good morning
[Alexandre]: And then, sunrise
[Alexandre]: Clouded Monviso
[Alexandre]: Foggy nigt
[Alexandre]: Simple things, water!
[Alexandre]: Well deserved billion star hotel
[Alexandre]: Lago superiore Di Laures
[Alexandre]: Next stop
[Alexandre]: The other side
[Alexandre]: Tibetan Bridge
[Alexandre]: Going up
[Alexandre]: Bivacco Frederigo
[Alexandre]: When the ordinary becomes magic.
[Alexandre]: Matterhorn
[Alexandre]: Sunset atop Becca di Nona.
[Alexandre]: Bivacco Frederigo
[Alexandre]: The last pass
[Alexandre]: That magic feeling of being among giants
[Alexandre]: Downhill
[Alexandre]: Spice Island
[Alexandre]: Stone Town Doors
[Alexandre]: Streets of Stone Town
[Alexandre]: Wandering around in Stone Town
[Alexandre]: Stone Town