Alexander Máni Kárason: Hungry yet...?
Alexander Máni Kárason: Autumn is coming...
Alexander Máni Kárason: Red loneliness...
Alexander Máni Kárason: Mushrooms in fall.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Salt is the flavor of life.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Carlos el cocinero.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Carlos el cocinero. II
Alexander Máni Kárason: Lion cub tired of not catching anything...
Alexander Máni Kárason: Happy friends.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Hi, my name is Gracious.
Alexander Máni Kárason: I don‘t know this girl...
Alexander Máni Kárason: Happy children during recess.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Monkey business
Alexander Máni Kárason: The eye of the...lion.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Alika the lion cub showing off her huge claws
Alexander Máni Kárason: Alone in the field
Alexander Máni Kárason: Stalking some wildebeast? Nah...I‘ll just rest...
Alexander Máni Kárason: Resting in the warm sun.
Alexander Máni Kárason: Alika the lion.